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Taking Doggos on adventures and building a community of well informed and responsible pet parents, Team Buddy Life in conversation with Sharvil Shringarpure, Founder, Paw’dventure

Paw’dventure camps are events where pets and owners have fun in nature, hiking, swimming, playing, and partying. Their team selects the best natural spots and camping grounds and sets up tents in the most scenic landscapes to create a memorable experience for both the pets and their owners. The agency also partners with Fur Meals and Barks & Wags for food and gift baskets during camping.

Paw’dventure offer a unique service that lets pet-owners escape with their best buddies from their busy lives. They also help dogs make friends and relax, with canine behaviourists and special walks. They have many happy customers and stories, showing how much people love a vacation with their pets. BuddyLife talks to Sharvil, Founder Paw’dventure.

BL: When did you start Paw’dventure and what made you start this venture?

Sharvil: I started Paw’dventure in December 2020. I had adopted a dog 4 years ago. Soon after Kuro arrived home; the world went down with the pandemic. Kuro lacked socialisation and physical stimulation due to the lockdown. After a few months, we were allowed to travel and the first thing I did was, to take him out for camping. Kuro loved the open meadows and splashed in the water. He was happy, exhausted and yet full of energy.

That is when I realised, that such activities are required for my community of pet parents. We are a large community in Mumbai, Pune and some pet parents are joining us from Hyderabad, Goa and Bangalore.

Our goal is to “Make India Pet Friendly,” which is also our current tagline.

We want people to see, that dogs can be well-behaved, for non-pet parents to have more empathy and love towards dogs, especially the dogs on the streets and most importantly, for pet parents to be more responsible and well informed.

BL: How do you make a pack of dogs accept each other? Has any untoward incident or fight happened between the canines? If yes, how did you manage?

Sharvil: We have a canine behaviourist, Aditya Patil on board with us. Dogs come from different levels of socialisation and we create a psychologically neutral space for all dogs, moreover, via different games and activities, we instil a pack mentality where dogs become more accepting of others around them.

The reactivity could always be there but thanks to our skilful team and cooperation of pet parents, no such major fight incident has occurred. In case two dogs do not get along, we understand their triggers and work around them by desensitizing these dogs to each other and instructing pet parents on the necessary steps to avoid any fights breaking up.

BL: What kind of programmes and activities do you keep for the pets and their parents? Usually how long is the adventure/programme session?

Sharvil: We have Paw’dventure overnight stays, One-day hiking and swimming activity, sailing at Mumbai and the most exciting, TripIndia plan. Overnight camps are conducted over a weekend, TripIndia is our longest plan of 6-8 days where pet parents and pets travel with us on train, and bus to Himachal, Goa and soon to be starting in Karnataka. Here the Paw’dventure pack goes to the next level. We conduct prior socialisation sessions for pet parents joining us for TripIndia. Other activities are near Mumbai and Pune.

BL: Some pets are finicky about their food. How do you manage the food for these pets?

Sharvil: We ask pet parents to consult the vet before joining us. Our pet food partner Pet Chef provides fresh meals of chicken and rice for all dogs.

BL: Why did you shift from being a professor to an absolutely different career involving canine adventure and trips? What is so exciting about your new role?

Sharvil: Wildlife and animals have been topics of interest. From a very young age, I have been a part of nature trails and conservation activities. I always wanted to do something for dogs, to make their lives better, to bring attention to street dogs. Being a professor taught me, I could inspire and influence more people by spreading awareness, by making them curious, empathetic and loving towards animals. This will create a greater impact on society for how they perceive animals. We imagine a Pet-Friendly India where our society is more empathetic and happier around dogs. It excites me and as well as brings peace knowing that my teaching is still continuous, but it has now expanded to humans as well as dogs.

BL: Right now, you are operating out of Mumbai. Which are the other cities where you plan to start Paw’dventure?

Sharvil: We are present in Mumbai and Pune. Pet parents from Delhi, Hyderabad, and Bangalore can join us for the TripIndia plan while we soon plan on being in Bangalore.