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When Bark is Worse than the Bite

Why anti-bark training devices may not be all that good

Barking is how dogs talk, but it could be a problem sometimes if it is excessive or too loud. Dogs bark for different reasons, such as wanting attention, feeling excited, being bored, being anxious, or warning you. To train your dog not to bark too much, you need to know why they bark and use positive reinforcement to teach them when and how to bark properly.

Don’t fall for the seemingly easy way out – An anti-bark training device. These devices do more harm than good.

Consider the following human scenarios:

Do you let out a high-pitched scream every time a human infant cries?

Do you pinch infants to make them stop crying? Almost certainly, your answer to the above would be a horrified NO!

Let us see why anti-bark training devices too aren’t really any different, may not be all that good.

Anti-bark training devices are devices that make a high-pitched noise or a shock to stop dogs from barking. These devices are often sold as safe and humane, but they can hurt dogs’ body and mind. Some of the possible bad effects are:

Physical pain and discomfort

The loud noise or shock can hurt dogs, especially if they don’t like noise or have health problems. The devices can also harm dogs’ ears, skin, or neck, depending on what kind and how strong the stimulus is.

Fear and anxiety

The devices can make dogs scared and nervous, as they link barking with something bad and random. This can cause long-term stress, lower confidence, and worse learning. The devices can also make other dogs or animals scared and nervous, as they hear or feel the stimulus.

Aggression and frustration

The devices can make dogs angrier and more annoyed, as they feel attacked or bothered by the stimulus and can’t communicate. This can cause biting, growling, or fighting with other dogs, animals, or people. The devices can also make existing anger or annoyance problems in dogs worse, as they stop their communication and socialization.

Behavioural problems

The devices can make dogs behave badly, as they don’t deal with the real reason for barking, such as being bored, lonely, happy, or protective. The devices can also make new behaviour problems, such as licking, chewing, or scratching too much, as dogs try to deal with the stress or discomfort from the stimulus. Therefore, anti-bark training devices are not good for dogs, as they can damage their physical and psychological health and well-being. Instead, dog owners should use positive, gentle, and rewarding training methods to teach their dogs when and how to bark properly, and to solve the root problem of barking.

Here are some tips for caring pet owners to manage excessive barking in a safe and healthy way:

Feign to ignore: Don’t pay attention to the barking. Don’t yell, scold, or reward your dog for barking, as this will make them bark more. Instead, wait until your dog is quiet and then give them praise and a treat or a toy. This will teach your dog that being silent gets your attention and approval.

Distract them: Make your dog look at something else. If your dog barks at something outside, such as a person, a car, or another animal, try to make your dog look at something else by making a noise, dropping something, or saying their name. Then, make your dog do something else, such as playing with a toy, doing a trick, or going to their bed. This will teach your dog to ignore the thing that makes them bark.

Channel their excess energy: Give your dog enough exercise and mental stimulation. Sometimes dogs bark because they have a lot of energy or they are bored. Make sure your dog gets enough physical and mental exercise every day, such as walking, running, playing, or training. This will help your dog use up their energy and keep them busy and happy.

Socialize: Make your dog meet new people, animals, and places. Sometimes dogs bark because they are scared or nervous of new people, animals, or places. To help your dog feel less scared or nervous, introduce them to new people, animals, and places slowly and positively. Give your dog a reward for being calm and brave in new situations and don’t make your dog meet something they are afraid of.

Use a word to tell your dog to stop barking: Sometimes dogs bark because they want to tell you or protect you from something. While this can be helpful, you may also want to teach your dog to be quiet when you tell them to. You can do this by using a word, such as “quiet” or “enough”, or a device, such as a whistle or a clicker, to tell your dog to stop barking. When your dog barks, say the word or use the device and then give your dog a reward when they are quiet. Do this until your dog learns to link the word or the device with being quiet.

These are some of the ways you can train your dog not to bark too much. Remember to be patient, consistent, and positive with your dog. Avoid using harsh or aversive methods, such as yelling, hitting, or using anti-bark devices that make a loud noise or give a shock like a taser. These methods can hurt your dog and your relationship with your dog. Instead, use positive, gentle, and rewarding training methods to teach your dog when and how to bark properly, and to solve the problem that makes them bark.